3 Bostons Art Mural

Monetary Donations

Donations to our cause will always benefit everyone. We need permanent outdoor signs for our farm equipment, a center railing for our beautiful staircase, etc.

We have found a wonderful Non-Profit software system that allows us to raise money without having to pay for an expensive donation type system. You can make a single payment of any amount of money, a suggested amount or even go for a month subscription to help us achieve our goal.


The farm implements in the yard behind the main building have at least 30+ pieces of historical outdoor farming units that need to be identified and then have permanent signage created for them to retain this bit of our history for future generations.

Our beautiful staircase needs a center railing for safety sakes. It could also use a small railing at the top at the door going into the upstairs room.

Unfortunately, all these improvements require extra funds. We are asking our community to help us achieve our goals. We have a donation system in place right here for people to help us. Thanks so much!

Donate here button